Katrin Seifarth

Katrin Seifarth

Frankfurt am Main

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year of birth
Coaching since
Completion year of coaching training
coached by training provider
European Business School
communication types
presence, video
native language(s)
coaching languages

train effect
Zeppelinallee 95
60487 Frankfurt am Main

Katrin Seifarth


Die fünf häufigsten Erfolgsbremsen

Wie hinderliche und unbewusste Grundüberzeugungen uns ausbremsen

Überzeugend und mitreißend Präsentieren

Tipps aus der Coaching-Praxis von Katrin Seifarth

Wingwave® als Coaching-Methode

Was versteht man unter Wingwave® und wie kann diese Methode im Coaching zum Einsatz kommen?

Erschienen im Coaching-Magazin

Sie ist nicht „tough“ genug

Frauen haben im Schnitt die besseren Schul- und Studienabschlüsse und bringen auch im Job hervorragende Leistungen. Dennoch...

Erschienen im Coaching-Magazin

Die gläserne Decke durchbrechen

Weshalb fällt es Frauen häufig schwer, in oberste Führungsebenen vorzudringen? Sind Ablehnung oder gar aktive Ausgrenzung...


top focus

  • promotion / change of job
  • leadership consulting
  • rhetoric and apperance
  • team development
  • work-life balance


  • promotion / change of job
  • Change-Management
  • leadership consulting
  • career counseling
  • conflict / crisis management
  • motivational improvement
  • rhetoric and apperance
  • personal management / time management
  • social competence improvement
  • stress management
  • team development
  • work-life balance

communication types

  • presence
  • video


areas of application

  • Individual coaching
  • Groups and team coaching
  • Business coaching
  • Life coaching

client positions

  • Head of Department
  • Team Management / Group Management
  • Management Trainee
  • Self-employment / Freelancer
  • High Potentials
  • Start-up
  • Private Individual
  • Employees


  • Online
  • Worldwide
  • Germany Austria Switzerland
  • Europe

experience with client company sizes

  • 1-4 employee
  • 21-50 employee
  • 51-100 employees
  • 101-200 employee
  • 201-500 employee
  • 501-1000 employee
  • 1001-2000 employee
  • 2001-5001 employee
  • 5001-10000 employee
  • >10000 employee



  • Service
  • Industry
  • Health and Social Affairs
  • Non Profit Organizations
  • Administration / Public Sector / Authorities
  • Bank / Finance and Accounting
  • Chemistry
  • Consulting
  • Research / University / Science
  • Consumer product / Food / Luxury food
  • Sales department
  • Internet portal / Online stores
  • Lawyers

Feel free to contact me!

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